IoT Platform

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From Kalpa to the IoT Solutions

Kalpa develops IoT projects since 2013 leveraging on the unique environment in which firmware, software, mobile and cloud teams work side by side sharing know how.
Know How In kalpa firmware, software, mobile and cloud developers work side by side and share knowledge.
Experience Large number of IoT project are up & running in production since 2013.
Standard and OSS Extensive knowledge of IoT best practices and well maintained OSS modules.
Business Model Device connectivity and IoT enable profitable market scenarios. A pay per use platform allows short time to market and lower the overall risk for the customers.

The IoT Iceberg

Needed Service / application On top of the iceberg lay all the customer needing's: extract data from devices, remotely control devices, diagnostics, pay per use…
Data Handling IoT is very asymmetric: small chunks of data is continuously ingested into Iceberg but the customer needs aggregated data.
Security and Device lifecycle Devices must securely connect to the platform and the platform must avoid malicious usage of them.
Device Connectivity Devices can use a large variety of connections, some 24/7 other spot and other very expensive.
IT Infrastructure The platform must scale to follow the increasing number of connected devices or applications.

Design Principles

Highly scalable The platform Design makes it scalable up to millions of devices and thousands of pipelines. You will use the same platform from POC to Production!
Device Management Use built-in features to manage your device. Aggregate assets by location, owner or any custom parameter. Create private customer views to limit the visibility to a subset of devices for a subset of users.
Declarative Data Model You define your data models using a graphical user interface. The data model enables the correct handling of your data by the system and simplifies the data access from your applications.
Ingest From Everywhere No matter where your data comes from, chances are there's an SDK for it. Or rely on industry-standard protocols such as MQTT or AMQP.
Bi-Directional Communication Read and write data from your devices using our low latency infrastructure. Aggregate on the fly Use built-in pipelines to transform your data as it flows. Having a clean dataset has never been easier.
Secure By Design Full-fledged Security Framework for IoT Devices.

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